I remember seeing a meme floating around social media. It simply read, “I finished Netflix.”
That statement shared such incredible truth in a short, memorable, and impactful way. Using humor with a dose of current reality, this creative bit of content spoke volumes in a time when all of us needed a bit of levity about the grave and uncertain situation we were all experiencing around the world.
Looking back, I now realize how much that simple meme spoke to a new reality that was taking shape right before our eyes. Not only will we be forever changed by a global pandemic—the way we view public health, social gatherings, and our role in supporting and caring for one another—it also prophetically previewed how we will consume content moving forward.
Content is King
It's been said before, but I believe it’s even less hyperbolic now: content is king. And I’ll go even further to suggest that organizations that fully engage this powerful medium will prosper. Those that don’t will struggle.
Now more than ever, creative content is the way people interact with organizations and with one another. It’s often the beginning of a conversation. or the entirety of one. A universal way to make friends. A helpful method to break through. How often do we share humorous, thought-provoking, tear-jerking videos with one another as a way of communicating? What tagging friends on memes? Or simply text a gif to get our point across? How often does your grandmother forward you those random emails filled with awful jokes?
If we look at these bits of content as nothing more than time-wasting fragments then we miss the bigger truth: meaningful content is how we build relationships. It’s how we communicate.
And it’s how organizations like yours will connect with people if you are to continue to thrive in this almost-post-pandemic landscape. But you already know that.
The fact that you're reading this post means we share this same vision. And yet you might be wondering: “how does a freelance writer mesh with you and your team?”
Make Freelance Work for You
This particular freelance writer has a long history of working within large for-profit companies, mid-size non-profit organizations, and even local churches. In every case, the same skills are needed—vision-casting, team-building, nurturing and maintaining relationships of trust. I’ve also freelanced for several small start-up companies, which in itself requires keeping up with fast-paced environments in order to get things done.
Not only that, but I have an enduring passion for marketing communications that has never ceased. In fact, for 20-plus years, I have continued to grow in my knowledge and sharpen my skills as a writer, strategizer, and project manager.
I want to use my words and creativity to tell compelling stories for you. I hope you will consider me for writing needs, whatever the project or initiative. I look forward to talking more about how I might be a good fit. Maybe we can talk about the show other than "Tiger King" that helped get us through quarantine?